
Java implementation of the Pacioli language

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A Pacioli vector or list of scalars can be displayed in a chart on a webpage. Values are converted to the right units of measurement and labels are added automatically.

Create Pacioli file series.pacioli and add the following code

defunit person "p";

defindex Continent = {Asia, Africa, Americas, Europe, Oceania};

# source:

defmatrix population :: person*Continent! = {
  Asia -> 4298723000,
  Africa -> 1110635000,
  Americas -> 972005000,
  Europe -> 742452000,
  Oceania -> 38304000

define wave =
  let n = 1000 in
      [sin(i/n*6*pi*|radian|) | i <- naturals(n)]

define random_numbers = [random() | x <- naturals(1000)];

Compile it to JavaScript with command

pacioli compile -target javascript series.pacioli

This produces the file series.js that can be included with the required libraries into a HTML page as follows:

<script type="text/javascript" src="d3.v2.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="numeric-1.2.6.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="pacioli-0.2.0.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="series.js"></script>

Include the pacioli style sheet:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="pacioli.css" media="screen" />

Finally add the following divs to the body of the page:

<div id="chart1"></div>
<div id="chart2"></div>
<div id="chart3"></div>
<div id="chart4"></div>

Bar Chart

Add the following code to create a bar chart for the population:

var parent = document.getElementById("chart1")
var population = Pacioli.value("Series", "population")
var chart = new Pacioli.BarChart(parent, population)
chart.options.label = "World Population"
chart.options.unit = Pacioli.unit("giga", "person")

Pie Chart

Add the following code to create a pie chart for the population:

var parent = document.getElementById("chart2")
var population = Pacioli.value("Series", "population")
var chart = new Pacioli.PieChart(parent, population, {
    width: 500, height: 500,
    label: "World Population (p=person)",
    labelOffset: 1.2,
    unit: Pacioli.unit("giga", "person")

This should set the second chart to


var parent = document.getElementById("chart3")
var chart = new Pacioli.Histogram(parent, random_numbers, {
    label: "Random Numbers",
    bins: 25, 
    width: 500, height: 300

Line Chart

var parent = document.getElementById("chart4")
new Pacioli.LineChart(parent, wave, {width: 500, height: 300}).draw()
2013-2014 Paul Griffioen